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Town Projects

Storm Park (Wetlands)

The Town of Bon Accord has determined the need to have our wetlands evaluated for solutions that are intended to support the Town’s sustainability vision and values, outlined in the Town of Bon Accord Municipal Development Plan.

The main objectives of this feasibility study are:

  • To identify and analyze a spectrum of feasible stormwater management facility (SWMF) options, such as nature-based storm parks, to replace or supplement the stormwater capacity of the existing Natural Area 2 in the southeast portion of the town.
  • To assess and compare the SWMF options based on upfront capital costs, long-term operations, maintenance, and lifecycle needs, as well as the Town’s values, environmental benefits, and aesthetic appeal.
  • Investigate stormwater quality improvement for water reuse opportunities for treated stormwater as a resource within the community to provide drought resilience.

Click here to review the Nature-Based Stormwater Feasibility Study conducted by Magna Engineering. 

Click here to review the Magna Engineering's high-level overview of this project that was presented at the May 29, 2024 Committee of the Whole meeting.

Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging Program – MCCAC


The Town of Bon Accord is pleased to announce, grant funding has been approved for the Electric Vehicle Chargers! At a Special Meeting of Council on March 29, 2022, Council approved to move forward with executing the funding agreement for the Electric Vehicle Charging Program.  

As noted, 100 per cent of the cost of purchasing and installing the charging stations will be rebated with no impact to taxpayer dollars. The two sites selected for the chargers are the town office and arena totalling seven chargers (one level 3 and six level 2). Dandelion Renewables will be the project lead to commence construction in the next few weeks.  

The Town of Bon Accord would like to acknowledge the Municipal Climate Change Action Centre (MCCAC) in supporting the funding for programs, to achieve real savings and real change. The Municipal Climate Change Action Center is a collaborative initiative of Alberta Municipalities, Rural Municipalities of Alberta, and the Government of Alberta. The Action Centre delivers funding, technical assistance, and education to help Alberta municipalities advance actions that lower energy costs, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and improve climate resilience. Funding for the Electric Vehicle Charging Program is provided by both the Government of Alberta and Natural Resources Canada while the program is administered by the Action Centre.

“We are proud to lead the “CHARGE”.  Kudos to our Town’s staff and Dandelion Renewables for their tireless effort to obtain grants and to gather all the required information to present to Council.   It was an easy decision, seven charging stations installed at no cost to our residents.  Many of our rate payers want to see their municipality accelerate the adoption of electric vehicles, including the installation of electric vehicle chargers.

Congratulations to all for working to keep our Town in the forefront with its green initiatives!”

Brian Holden
Mayor – Town of Bon Accord

“We’re thrilled for the Town of Bon Accord! Installing electric vehicle chargers will put the Town on the electric vehicle map and will prepare the community for an electric future.”

Trina Innes
Executive Director – Municipal Climate Change Action Centre 

For more information on the EVC program, click here.

Solar Micro Generating Project | Funded by MCCAC, AUMA, RMA

In 2019, the Town of Bon Accord was the successful recipient receiving grant funding from Municipal Climate Change Action Centre (MCCAC) to proceed with a Solar Micro Generating Project to reduce power costs of the Town’s infrastructure. Dandelion Renewables was the desired project lead and installer. With numerous benefits to the residents of the Town, the investment in the solar plant is expected to yield 9.4% unlevered return, with a very low environmental impact utilizing land not desirable for other developments.

Dandelion Renewables installed a total of 1728 solar panels on a footprint of 4 acres with a total capacity over 630KW.  The Solar Plant began producing power August 13, 2020, bringing the Town closer to a clean energy future.  The Bon Accord Solar PV system is expected to produce 764.2MWh/year of electricity.  This is projected to save the Town of Bon Accord about $48,000/year in electricity costs (based on April 2019 power costs) and result in a reduction of grid electricity GHG emissions by over 435.6 tCO2e/year. 

As per Councils Strategic Plan, the Solar Micro Generating Project realizes Priority 1 – “Town of Bon Accord Has A Structured Plan in Place for Steady, Positive Growth”.  

The land is districted as a “Public Utility District “, which is a permitted use for the Solar Micro Generating Project.  This will be one of the first permitted projects of this kind in Sturgeon County.   

The project was completed with funding from the Municipal Climate Change Action Centre (MCCAC), a partnership of the Alberta Urban Municipalities Association (AUMA) and Rural Municipalities of Alberta (RMA).

Click here for a video showing the progress on the completed Solar Farm. 

Walking Trail | Grant awarded by Fortis Alberta

In June 2020, the Town of Bon Accord sought funding in the form of Fortis Alberta’s $2500.00 Community Naturalization and Tree Planting Grant for our walking trail project. We are excited to enhance our community by providing a safe, welcoming, and beautiful walking trail along 51 Avenue in the Town of Bon Accord. The area we envision includes a calm, meandering path with green spaces, benches, native shade and pollinator trees, solar lighting, recycle and waste bins, a dog waste station, and interpretive signs. The walking trail will also double as a bus stop for students.

This project aligns with Fortis Alberta's business focuses of safety, education and environment, and will serve as a place to escape into nature within our community, contributing to overall wellness of residents and visitors alike.

In July 2020, the Town of Bon Accord was awarded the grant, which will assist in the cost of planting trees, flowers and shrubs as this project unfolds.

Click here to see all recipients of Fortis Alberta's Community Naturalization and Tree Planting Grant