When can I submit my Notice of Intent, and why is it required?
You can submit your Notice of Intent from October 31, 2024 until Nomination Day September 22, 2025 at noon. The Notice of Intent is a new requirement under the Local Authorities Election Act. In submitting a Notice of Intent, the prospective candidate may collect campaign contributions. The Notice of Intent is required whether you collect campaign contributions or not.
How do I submit my Notice of Intent?
Complete the prescribed form (Form 29) and remit to the Town’s Returning Officer at 5025 50th Avenue or email to LScoordinator@bonaccord.ca. You do NOT need to use this exact form as long as all criteria are submitted. For details see Local Authorities Election Act section 147.22, below
A written notice under subsection (2) must include, in respect of the individual’s candidacy,
(a) the full name, address and contact information of the individual,
(b) the address of the place or places where records of the individual are maintained and of the place to which communications may be addressed,
(c) the names and addresses of the financial institutions to be used by or on behalf of the individual as depositories for campaign contributions made to that individual, and
(d) the names of the signing authorities for each depository referred to in clause (c).
What happens after I submit my Notice of Intent?
Your name will be added to the public Register of Candidates list on Bon Accord’s 2025 Municipal Election webpage. After the Notice of Intent is filed, you may collect campaign contributions. Please review the Local Authorities Election Act for more details on campaign contributions and your legal responsibilities.