Facility Rentals
The Town of Bon Accord offers rental facilities to suit your every need. From meetings in the mezzanine to ice hockey in the arena, we can accommodate groups large and small for both indoor and outdoor activities. Check out the options in our drop down list below for your next event.
The Town of Bon Accord has implemented a new procedure for our facility rentals. Please read our Fees and Charges Bylaw - Schedule "H" Facility Rentals.
How to Rent a Facility:
STEP 1: Fill out the forms required as indicated below.
- Required Forms/Paperwork
- Arena Ice Rentals:
- Arena Rental Contract (as per ice scheduler, see below for contact info)
- Insurance naming the Town of Bon Accord as an additional insured
- Payment
- Arena Cement Slab, Mezzanine, Meeting Room, Town Office Basement, Amphitheater, or Sports Grounds Rentals:
- Facility Rental Contract
- Payment
- Jewel Box, Community Hall, Bon Accord Community School, or Lilian Schick School Rentals:
- These rentals are not provided through the Town. Please book through the contact in the appropriate dropdown menu below.
STEP 2: Contact the appropriate facility rental contact in the drop down menu below.
STEP 3: Obtain third party liability insurance. This is required for all Town bookings.
- For other rentals, please inquire with that facility. You may purchase coverage here https://bonaccord.instantriskcoverage.com/login or use an insurance provider of your choice.
STEP 4: Pay for your booking.
- Payment options:
- Cash - in person at the Town office
- Cheque - in person at the Town office, or Bon Accord Arena (arena ice only), via the Town office drop box
- Debit - in person at the Town office
- Online with a credit card - we now have OptionPay for online credit card payments. OptionPay charges an additional fee which is based on your purchase amount. The additional fee is from Option Pay, not the Town of Bon Accord, and is NON-REFUNDABLE. Click here for more information and to pay for your rental with OptionPay.