Municipal Development Plan Bylaw 2016-08 Revision Project

The Municipal Development Plan (MDP) Bylaw 2023-10 was passed at the January 16, 2024 Regular Council meeting. To review the finalized version, please click here.

  • Notice of Public Hearing for the proposed MDP Bylaw 2023-10.
  • DRAFT Municipal Development Plan (MDP) Bylaw 2023-10. 

An informal public open house was held on Tuesday, October 17, 2023 from 6 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. at the Jewel Box located at 4916 - 52 Street in Bon Accord. 

The Town of Bon Accord is undertaking a comprehensive review of the Municipal Development Plan (MDP) Bylaw 2016-08 in which this review is appropriate when there are changes in economic, social or technical developments; a new council is elected; or amendments to the plan are made.

The intent of the review is based on, however not limited to the following:

  • Incorporate recent changes to the Town's municipal boundary (annexation) and amendments to the current MDP
  • Ensure compliance with the Municipal Government Act and the Alberta Land Stewardship Act

The proposed work plan will be based on three phases:

Phase 1 – Identification

  • In person start-up meeting with Council, Administration and Municipal Planning Services (MPS)
  • Research and review of relevant municipal plans, polices, and bylaws, including other background information
  • Online meeting to share background information findings with Council, Administration and Municipal Planning Services
  • Public notification of the MDP project to solicit ideas and focused feedback

Phase 2 – Draft MDP / Preparation and Engagement

  • Online public engagement session to present the purpose of the project, discuss options for the new MDP and gather information about current and future land use, including development for the Town
  • Preparation of an updated MDP draft (including goals, policies, maps and graphics) by Municipal Planning Services
  • Online meeting to review the draft MDP by Council and Administration, including revisions by Municipal Planning Services
  • In-person workshop with Council and Administration to discuss design/land use options for the Gateway area
  • In-person public engagement session to present the draft MDP and design/land use options for the Gateway area
  • Preparation of a “What We Heard” report that identifies community feedback to the draft MDP and an online meeting with Council and Administration to review
  • Further review of the draft MDP with Council, Administration and revisions by Municipal Planning Services
  • In-person draft MDP review meeting with Council and Administration

Phase 3 – MDP Adoption

  • Preparation of the finalized draft MDP as guided by Council and Administration
  • 1st reading by Council
  • Public hearing (supported by a project review presentation by Municipal Planning Services of the proposed draft MDP
  • 2nd and 3rd reading of the draft MDP

The Town looks forward to hosting the public engagement sessions with all residents. Your feedback and opinions are valuable and are a very important part of this process.  WE WANT TO HEAR FROM YOU! Please refer to this site for updates and further information as it become available.