When emergencies happen and you need to evacuate, did you know that you may be directed to go to Reception Centres as far as Calgary or Grande Prairie. You could even be directed to another province as was the case with the Yellowknife and Jasper evacuees.
No matter where you evacuate to or if you are asked to Shelter-In-Place, registering you and your family with the MyAlberta Emergency Registration System (MAERS) helps you receive aid in times of declared emergencies. This includes financial assistance in cases of extended evacuations.
You don’t have to wait for an emergency to register. You can pre-register you and your family, including your pets!
Registration with the MAERS program can help re-unite families that may have been separated during the emergency.
Data entered into the MAERS program is uploaded to the Registration and Reception Centre Program that is used to track the movement of evacuees. This ensures that evacuees are accounted for during large scale and complex emergencies.
Use the QR code or visit MyAlberta Emergency Registration System
SREMP is a partnership between Sturgeon County, Morinville, Gibbons, Redwater, Bon Accord and Legal. These municipalities work together to coordinate emergency preparedness, response and recovery from disasters.