
Water / Wastewater (Sewer)
The Water, Wastewater and Waste Collection rates are set by Council through bylaw. Town utility bills are issued monthly and  can be paid at the Town Office during regular office hours, by mail, or through telephone / internet banking.

There is a drop box located outside the front doors of the Town Office if you wish to leave a cheque after hours. Please DO NOT leave cash.

See below for our "Renter Authorization to receive Utility Bill" form.

NEW! Water Consumption Fact Sheet
Is your utility bill higher than usual due to water consumption?  Wondering how many m3 of water is typical per month for your appliances?  Would you like a checklist of what to look for to see if you might have a leak? Check out our Water Consumption Fact Sheet!

Additional Resources

If you require immediate attention such as water main break, sewage backup or similar service please call the Town 24 hour on call number at 780-975-0770.