About Us


 Bon Accord History

The Town of Bon Accord is rooted in agriculture with a rich history beginning in the late 1800s. Early development in and around present-day Bon Accord was led by Scottish immigrants who came to settle and work the land. A meeting of locals resulted in the name ‘Bon Accord District’, chosen due to settlers’ familial connections to the City of Aberdeen, Scotland. ‘Bon Accord’, meaning “Good Agreement” is the motto of Aberdeen, derived in the 14th century.

During the 20th century, Bon Accord steadily grew as a thriving agricultural community. Development of the railway provided local settlers with a means of selling their products and connecting to communities throughout the region. This steady growth culminated in the creation of the Village of Bon Accord in 1964, and the Town of Bon Accord in 1979. The Town has evolved and diversified from its rural beginnings, but its agricultural roots remain distinctly evident in the surrounding landscape, visible heritage, and character of its residents.

 Moving Forward

The Town recognizes the importance of environmental sustainability as a key prerequisite to a successful community. Taking a leadership role in this regard means protecting our green spaces.

Over the upcoming years, as our community grows and our population becomes more diverse, we will continue to promote and foster a caring and inclusive community where environmental sustainability is a critical pillar of our development program.

Today’s actions will serve to protect and preserve environmental areas for future generations.

The Town has embraced an integrated community sustainability program to ensure long term viability and sustainability. The plan includes goals to garner and increase community support, focus on business development, retention and attraction of families, as well as an implementation of a plan for infrastructure expansion and replacement. Underlying these goals is the importance of ensuring responsible environmental management. 

Our Town is, and will continue to be, viable and sustainable - both economically and environmentally.   Our plan is multi-faceted but includes operating objectives that instills community pride and provides for growth related initiatives.