The Town of Bon Accord owns and operates the Bon Accord Bulk Water Truck Fill Station as a convenience to residents of the Town, the County, and outside visitors. As such, the Town strives to maintain a safe, secure, and affordable supply of potable water through this facility.
If you choose to use the truck fill station, you must abide by the following regulations:
- Respect fellow users and this facility.
- Use this facility at your own risk.
- Enter from the north and exit on the south of the facility.
- Do NOT put the Town fill hose inside your tank.
- The customer MUST have their own fill hose.
- NO chemical or sprayer tanks are allowed on this site.
- Violations could result in usage bans.
- Try to reduce the amount of spillage. In colder weather the pad becomes very icy. Use supplied sand/rock chips to help reduce falls.
- Call the Town office at 780-921-3550 for more info. For issues with the truck fill, please call our on-call number at 780-975-0770.
The Town of Bon Accord thanks you for your attention to these regulations and your continued support of our potable water supply.